COVID-19 Restart Plan

I – Academics



Classes will remain online until the state enters Phase 3 of the recovery plan. Once Phase 3 is reached, classes will be delivered using a hybrid approach in where classes are still delivered using the online platform and some students will be on grounds together with the instructor, in this way all students will have the opportunity for some in-person instruction and assistance. As an example of the hybrid approach, Tuesday/Thursday classes, half the class meets in-person and the remaining half will join the online session.


Starting Tuesday September 1st, labs will be available by appointment and with a maximum seating capacity students according to the classroom and following the recommended distance and safety rules.



Staff, faculty and students are required to wear a mask or a face covering inside buildings and offices; face mask is not required while dining.

Seating will be spaced at 6-foot intervals to maintain social distance. This will restrict the number of people in any one classroom, based on classroom size. The largest classrooms available will be used whenever possible.



Because we are is asking anyone who is feeling ill to stay home, students who miss class due to illness should plan to communicate immediately with their faculty and the student services department should they need to stay home due to illness or because they’ve been instructed to self-isolate to prevent absences from interfering with the progress or standing in the course.


II – Admissions



All visitors must register with the Admissions representative for an appointment. PC AGE reserves the right not to provide one-on-one tours.

An online questionnaire/health checklist will be provided and must be completed prior to the scheduled visit. Families who have symptoms of COVID-19 should reschedule their visits. If symptoms develop after the questionnaire is completed, visitors are instructed to notify admissions before coming to campus.



A temperature check will be performed as the prospect arrives. Masks are required. Prospects are asked to bring their own masks. Social distancing – maintaining 6-foot spacing among those who are not part of a household unit – will be followed. Prospects will not be greeted using handshakes but can still expect a warm welcome.

Hand sanitizer will be provided during registration. Hand sanitizer stations are located at the entrance of our facilities.

To ensure better social distancing, we will be using some of our large spaces for registration, meetings, or private conversations.


III – Employees

The following guidelines should be followed by all employees:


On a daily basis, prior to starting their workday, employees must complete a health questionnaire and provide responses to the following questions:

  • Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Have you been exposed to a person, who tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19?


People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell


The socially responsible course of action, if an employee has any type of illness, is to stay home to avoid spreading the illness to colleagues.

If an employee suspects that they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should:

  • Do not come to work
  • Notify Human Resources
  • Self-isolate for 14 days, unless they obtain a negative COVID-19 test.
  • Get tested for COVID-19 (refer to the COVID-19 Testing Facilities section)



  • Wear a mask or a face covering inside school facilities, with the exception of offices that are occupied by one person and while dining.


IV – Workplace Hygiene and Cleaning


PC AGE’s responsibilities for hygiene and cleaning include:

  • Adhering to hygiene and sanitation requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and State of New Jersey Department of Health.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing offices, classrooms, common areas, and restrooms on a daily and as-needed basis. Higher traffic will be cleaned more frequently.
  • Providing additional hand sanitizer stations for employees.
  • Providing sanitizing spray and towels in classrooms and meeting rooms.


Employee responsibilities for hygiene and cleaning include:

  • Washing their hands frequently.
  • Covering their face for a sneeze or cough.
  • Practicing social distancing by staying 6-feet apart from others.
  • Wearing a mask or a face covering inside facilities.
  • Not sharing equipment such as phones, tools, keyboards, writing instruments, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), etc.
  • At employee discretion, considering sanitizing/disinfecting personal use work items such as their phone, desk, keyboard, high-touch areas, etc. on a daily basis.
  • Referring to the Social Distancing Practices section below when participating in or scheduling meetings
  • When possible, limiting the use of small spaces, such as elevators, supply rooms, and conference rooms.



  • Employees who have visitors must require the visitor to complete a health check form at the start of their visit on campus.
  • If a visitor answers “Yes” to any of the questions on the health check form, they cannot be allowed to continue their visit on campus.



Classrooms will be cleaned twice a day. During one shift, they will be mopped, wiped down, have the trash removed, etc. During the custodial staff’s third shift, the high-traffic buildings and classrooms will be cleaned using a new sanitizing machine by a trained wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

Commonly touched items in our buildings will be cleaned multiple times a day.

Classrooms will be stocked with paper towels and disinfectants so students can wipe down their shopping carts before use, we will be asking our community to do the same before they use their desks, etc.



All products used for sanitization and disinfection purposes are EPA approved and will eradicate COVID-19.



Staff will follow CDC, State of New Jersey and local agency COVID protection directives (gloves, face masks and Tyvek coverings, etc.) when they are cleaning and disinfecting.

Training has been provided for employees responsible for cleaning and sanitizing by both custodial management and the cleaning product suppliers.