Your resume for a tech job can get you noticed if you have the right components.
There may be a lot of tech jobs out there right now, but companies and recruiters are still looking to hire the best staff they can get. Showcase your top-notch talent by using these tech resume best practices for your job search in 2019.
1. Customize your resume for each job.
Once you have created the best possible resume, it can be tempting to just send it to every job you apply for. But every job is different, even if only slightly, and your resume will be more effective if you use it to highlight the particular skills and achievements that best reflect your experience as it relates to that specific job. Cookie-cutter resumes stand out because they contain elements that just don’t make sense for a particular job. They say to the hiring team, “I don’t think your job is worth the effort of customizing my resume.”
2. Use action verbs.
These verbs tell what you did and help to describe your accomplishments with specificity, which is exactly what tech recruiters and hiring managers want to see when deciding who to hire. Using “spearheaded,” “mentored” or “completed” instead of vague verbs like “did,” “was” or “became” will give a clearer mental picture of your accomplishments.
3. Use keywords from the job description.
In tech jobs, common keywords will include specific skills or skill areas needed for the job, i.e., Linux, CSS, or Photoshop. You should use those keywords in your resume for applicant tracking systems to scan it and find them, which will help you pass to the next part of the hiring process. It’s important not to stuff the resume with too many keywords, however. Your resume should always read naturally and not like a spam email.

Keywords that link to skills are part of any effective tech resume.
4. Focus on transferable skills.
If you’re trying to transition to a tech job from another career field, you should focus on transferable skills that may translate well to the new area. Project management and team leadership are two examples of transferable skills, but many others could possibly translate well and can be explained more fully during an interview. Making connections between previous jobs and future ones can help prospective employers see how you might be a good fit for their position even if you don’t have much experience yet in the tech field.
5. Highlight awards and certifications.
Education is an important part of the resume, and recent education is especially important for tech jobs that constantly change and evolve. Certifications demonstrate proven skills because you have passed an exam to earn each one. You can list these under any degrees you have. Similarly, earning an award means that someone else has recognized your skills and performance. Certifications and awards can distinguish you from a crowd of applicants and make you stand out.
PC AGE offers courses that lead to computer certification or a degree, including how to get a job once your education has progressed far enough. Request info about the courses we offer and how they can help you get a high-paying tech job you will enjoy.