You may be interested in information technology and wonder if you’ve got what it takes to have a career in a tech-related field. If the following signs seem to describe you, then you might be well-suited to a career in IT.
1. You have a persistent fascination with technology and how it works.
Maybe you work on computer problems even when you don’t have to—you just can’t let it go. Maybe you learn about new technologies just for fun. If you have a job outside IT, but you find yourself doing more and more IT-related tasks, you may be just the thing a company’s IT department needs.
2. You get excited about solving problems.
Most people see problems as a negative aspect of the job, but good IT employees see problems as exciting opportunities to learn new things or practice skills. Being excited about—and good at—solving problems will be an important ingredient of success in your IT career.
3. Everyone asks you to help when they have computer problems.
You may want to consider an IT career if your friends and family constantly ask you to help them when they have computer problems. If you think fixing people’s computers is more fun than having a social life, then you might want to start preparing for an IT career right away.
4. You love strategy and games.
Many IT-related tasks require strategizing and can, at times, have similarities and parallels to playing a game. Having a love of games, especially the strategy part, can be an indicator that you would be well-suited to an IT career where strategy is needed to keep networks safe or to figure out how to use technology to benefit a company in the best possible way.
5. You are creative.
The IT field requires creativity in many areas: cybersecurity specialists must find creative ways to keep networks safe from hackers, many jobs require the employee to create a network or software program before they can implement or maintain it, and creativity is also used in coding and making apps that others can use.
6. You can win an argument.
You don’t want to argue with your co-workers, but the logical part of you that could win an argument will get heavy use in many IT careers. The basis of all programming and coding is logic, and logic is needed for many other IT-related tasks as well.
7. You can work with a team.
Most IT positions now involve working with a team to accomplish goals and complete projects. It isn’t enough to have computer skills like coding or cybersecurity—you often need to have teamwork skills and show that you know how to participate in the give-and-take that teamwork requires.
PC AGE offers courses that can get you started in your IT career in just a few months. Contact us to find out more.
Rameez Khizer, IT Marketing