VMware certification enables people to support virtual data centers.
VMware certification prepares IT professionals to create, administer and maintain virtualization programs for business data centers. VM stands for virtual machines, which provide software applications for data centers so that they can function both individually and as part of a call center or customer support network.
Not only do VMware administrators need to understand how VMware works and be able to create systems that function well, but they also need to monitor the system constantly to make sure it is functioning correctly, prioritize actions so that urgent tasks get completed when they need to, and prevent malware attacks and other unauthorized access to systems.
Other critical aspects of VMware administration include managing the degradation and breakdown of the system so that catastrophic failure doesn’t occur and integrating the system with other hardware and software as needed. Making the system user-friendly so that personnel outside IT can use it easily is another important part of being a VMware administrator.
Some experience with VMware may be required for certain levels of certification, but associate certifications are available even without any IT experience, as long as you pass the exam with the required knowledge level. Expert certifications are available for those with advanced skills and job experience with vSphere software.
Virtualization skills are in increasing demand.
How Companies Benefit from VMWare
Automated and virtualized data centers are extremely complex environments that require a thorough understanding of both cloud computing and VMware to navigate. Virtualizing a data center means creating a virtual representation of applications, servers, storage and networks rather than physical ones. VMware virtualization saves companies money on their IT costs, and it is more agile and efficient for businesses at the same time.
Virtualization can eliminate the downtime that usually occurs as customers wait on hold or during periods of time, like overnight, when a call center is shut down or has a reduced staff. VMware also helps make data recovery and business continuity easier to accomplish in the event that a disaster strikes the business.
With all the benefits of VMware for companies, it’s not surprising that the technology is growing and that many companies will be looking for skilled and certified VMware administrators in coming months and years.
There are several types of VMware certification, but VMware Certified Professional 6 Data Center Virtualization (VCP6-DCV) certification shows that you can administer and troubleshoot vSphere V6 systems. VCP6-DCV is the most popular type of VMware certification with over 100,000 IT professionals certified around the world.
Common job titles of those with VMware VCP6-DCV certification include Virtualization Engineer, Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Virtualization Implementation Engineer, Data Center Administrator, and Network Administrator Team Lead.
PC AGE offers courses to prepare students to pass the VMware VCP6-DCV certification exam and take the next step toward an IT career. Students receive a rigorous education in the required skills within a supportive peer environment. Interested in learning more? Request information about our courses today.
Rameez Khizer, IT Marketing