While money isn’t everything, earning potential is certainly a factor when you are choosing a career. After one or more certifications, a network administrator can create, maintain and/or troubleshoot a company or organization’s network — which is the infrastructure or system used to run software — communicate via email and other methods, and store data securely, among other tasks.
If you’re interested in a career as a network administrator, here’s what you can expect as far as job outlook and earning potential. Network administrators have more than average responsibility and need to be creative about solving network problems, but they also earn salaries much higher than average for their level of education.
Expected Duties and Salary of Network Administrators
Network administrators typically work 40 hours per week, but if a problem arises with the company’s network, overtime may be expected until the problem is resolved. Network administrators may work with a team that helps to keep the network in good operating condition and functioning optimally.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that as of 2014, there were 382,600 network administrator positions in the U.S., with expected job growth of 8% over the next 10 years. The median pay for network administrators was $77,810 per year in 2014. Google reports that in 2012 the median pay for network administrators was $72,500, which shows that salaries have increased in recent years.
The salary reporting site Paysa reported that the average salary for network administrators in 2016 is $98,200 per year, with a range from $66,200 to $133,000. Network administrators often have a base salary with benefits, a signing bonus, a yearly bonus, and stock options or an equity stake in the company for which they work.
Discover more salary details for Network Administrator. Browse salaries by job title, company, location, school on Paysa
Benefits of Certification
These salary numbers reflect all levels of experience and education. Network administrators that have certifications are often paid more than those who don’t have them, since certification shows that a candidate has mastered skills necessary to administrating a network.
Network World listed CompTIA Network+ certification as one that helps boost both hireability and starting salary for network administrator positions. Hiring teams rely on certification to demonstrate that a candidate is fully qualified and has the skills needed to be able to perform at a high level.
Companies Hiring Network Administrators
Most companies now have networks that house their email servers, data storage, and software needed to run company functions, which means they will need at least one network administrator. Larger companies may need a team of network administrators or one for each major office or location.
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