The rapidly rising cost of college education has been the subject of many news headlines in recent years. Many college graduates pick up tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt alongside their degree, and depending on their career field, it can take decades to pay all that money back. Even law and medical graduates, who can be expected to earn high salaries, are finding student loan debt overwhelming.
In late 2015, Wall Street paragon Goldman Sachs, which has always had a ruthless focus on bottom line results, concluded that earning a degree from a college considered to be of mid-tier prestige or lower doesn’t, in many cases, produce a return on investment. But information technology (IT) education is different. In many ways it turns the traditional higher education model on its head. IT students earn certifications by passing rigorous exams on specific subject matter, and these certifications are a key to building an IT career.
IT Education Makes Sense for Many Reasons
The primary reason IT education makes sense is because it’s one of the most rapidly growing career fields. As more industries incorporate automation, IT specialists will continue to be in high demand. An IT specialist with the right suite of in-demand certifications can look forward to a prosperous career with much more career security than in many other fields.
IT education also makes sense because it costs less than a traditional college degree, can be completed more quickly, and allows establishment of an IT career within a shorter time frame than earning the typical bachelor’s degree.
Network Engineering Prepares Students for a Promising IT Career
IT specialists in general have strong career options, but network engineering certifications in particular offer a promising future. The servers and clients that make up modern networks, along with switches, routers, and other appliances, are only multiplying in number. The network engineering certifications that lead to bright career possibilities require mastering a number of tools and technologies.
A basic portfolio of certifications for an IT career as a computer support specialist or network administrator may include these industry certifications:
- CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+ & Linux+
- Microsoft MCSA
- Cisco CCENT & CCNA
- VMware
Those who want to specialize further in network engineering by delving into cybersecurity can do so by earning the following certifications:
- CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP)
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
- Certified Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI)
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Some Certifications Won’t Add to Your Earning Power
While students are obviously free to obtain whatever certifications they want to earn, the fact is, some certifications do little or nothing to increase earning power or IT career opportunities. That’s why it’s important to select an information technology education program that is also backed by a strong career services staff that keeps up with industry trends and can advise students on which certifications will add the most earning power to their IT education.
Information Technology Education Helps Students Land a Better Job Sooner
The traditional college degree, sadly, is simply not a worthwhile effort for many people today in terms of return on investment. Information technology education, on the other hand, offers an alternative education model that costs less, teaches skills that are in high demand, offers certifications demonstrating mastery of important IT concepts, and allows people to build a satisfying, secure career much sooner than the average bachelor’s degree.
PC AGE was established in 1991, and was among the first career institutes in New Jersey to offer IT certifications, including programs for working adults. The school is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and is Federal Title IV eligible. Quite simply, PC AGE strives to help people improve their lives through IT education with efficient and productive programs that lead to in-demand certifications and the best opportunities for career success. We encourage you to contact us at any time to receive a no-charge, no-obligation IT career kit, or call us at 888-269-5760 if you have questions.
Rameez Khizer, IT Marketing